📣 New Video Dashboard - Manage your videos in a few clics

This brand new Video Dashboard will improve your video content’s management with easy access to the most important settings.

What’s new?

:no_entry_sign: No code required to handle all your videos
:framed_picture: A complete overview of your video files and visibility on the number of views
:mag: The convenience of filtering by tag or digging into your video list thanks to the search bar
:hammer_and_wrench: The ability to manage the settings of your videos in a few clics : Tags, metadata, players, thumbnail, chapters or captions
:sparkles:Possibility to add a player name for better organization

This update is available for all our users from now on!

Check it out and let us know your thoughts!


This is great! Most of our management is done via metadata. Any plans to add metadata as a means of filtering in the video list?

Glad you talk about it, the team is currently working on it!
It should be ready in a couple of weeks. We will keep you posted of course!

Hi @michael5,
Really happy to share that we’ve added a metadata filter to the video list along with a new grid view.
Let us know what you think ? :slightly_smiling_face:


This is perfect :ok_hand:! Thank you so much!

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