Put a logo in the video

Hi all, I’m new to use this api video and I’m having hard time to achieve my goal. Can anyone answer my questions ?

  1. How to change the logo in the player ?
  2. How can i remove this icon in the player ? 28
  3. How can i remove this text in the player ? “FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE ONLY”

thanks in advance.


Here are answers to your questions:
1/ You can change the logo by following the instructions here in the documentation: https://docs.api.video/5.1/players/upload-a-logo

2/ For now you cannot remove this icon. It will be possible in our next update in the coming days. We will keep you posted!

3/ If you have this message it means that you are use the Sandbox environment, this is the testing environment. You can benefit from your free hour by using the production environment API key available in your backend.

Hope this helps. Don’t hesitate!
Have a nice day

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Thank you for your answer! I really appreciate.