Ingest issues from USA

We are running a 4K test stream and we can’t seem to ingest more than 5,000kbps +/-

Right now, we’re trying to play with as they allow a proxy connection to other datacenters. We are running our US-East-1 ingest from Boston, MA and proxying to Paris. Our output from our encoder is extremely stable at 15,000kbps to Restream, but Restream continually loses connection to just as the Encoder does at these bitrates.

Does anyone have a solution for 4K streaming from the USA?

Hey Cole,

An optimized live ingester and delivery system has been deployed for live streaming events. You can now enjoy a faster stream thanks to our Canadian servers and boost your live performances in North America :slight_smile:

:raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2: sounds good! We had an event Friday. I’ll let you know how it goes