Live Stream on React js

I can’t find documentation and/or React library to use the live stream api.

I’m trying to develop a React web app (no React native) and until now I successfully
managed to use the upload-video (library) and list video api (

I do not want to install react-native-livestream library because I do not need react-native on my web app.

I found this page but is unclear how I m supposed to actually start a stream (i.e. after I created the live stream, how do I upload the actual video stream from camera?)

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Thanks for the feedback.

You are correct, we only have live stream clients for mobile currently. In order to initiate a live stream from a PC or Mac, the user will have to use OBS or any other client that is able to broadcast RTMP.

We are currently working on enhancing our live stream feature, which will be released next year.

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