I would like to have the thumbnail to a video uploaded with the source being a remote https url. For example, I am creating a video using the python api.video client in my aws lamda function and right after the uplaod I have to upload the thumbnail to that video, according to the documentation the thumbnail can only be uploaded as a local disk file path. Can this feature be implemented? It is available in some competitors like JWplayer. Or the file content can be uploaded if not via the remote url?
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Hi - I asked about this today and I will update you when I have a response!
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Same question here
You can always use urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename)
to download the thumbnail temporarily OR
from urllib.request import urlopen
import base64
then pass
data:image/png;name=somefilename.png;base64, + what was encoded
as your file.
Last option is to pick a timecode if you know that…
video_id = "vi4k0jvEUuaTdRAEjQ4Jfrgz" # str | Unique identifier of the video you want to add a thumbnail to, where you use a section of your video as the thumbnail.
video_thumbnail_pick_payload = VideoThumbnailPickPayload(
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Thanks @ronald for your response.
In my Firebase Function (Node), I tried two different ways and both returns “must be a readable source file”
const url = "***.jpg""
let image = await axios.get(myImageUrl, { responseType: "arraybuffer" });
let returnedData = Buffer.from(image.data).toString();
const file = Readable.from(returnedData);
await apiVideoClient.liveStreams
.uploadThumbnail(result.liveStreamId, file)
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError("aborted", error.message);
const url = "***.jpg""
const fileName = data.image.split("/").slice(-1)[0];
let image = await axios.get(myUrl, { responseType: "arraybuffer" });
let returnedB64 = Buffer.from(image.data).toString("base64");
const file =
"data:@file/jpeg;name=myfilename.jpg;base64," + returnedB64;
await apiVideoClient.liveStreams
.uploadThumbnail(result.liveStreamId, file)
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError("aborted", error.message);
thanks, my issue has been fixed.
thanks my issue has been fixed.