A new version of the player went live today with a number of new features/fixes:
- Fix player controls when the size is very small
- Use a fork of video.js instead of a modified built bundle
- Add keyboard shortcuts for player controls
- Adjust video quality if playing at high speed
- Force video thumbnails to fit
- Remove “three dot” menu when there isn’t any option present
What are the keyboard shortcuts, you ask?
- Space bar toggles play/pause.
- Right and Left Arrow keys seek the video forwards and back.
- Up and Down Arrow keys increase and decrease the volume.
- M key toggles mute/unmute.
- F key toggles fullscreen off and on. (Does not work in Internet Explorer)
- Double-clicking with the mouse toggles fullscreen off and on.
- Number keys from 0-9 skip to a percentage of the video. 0 is 0% and 9 is 90%.