iOS-SDK init/create a private video

Using the iOS-SDK, how do we init/create a private video.

At the moment, the method provided only accepts title and description:

videoApi.initVideo(title: title, description: description)

Any advise?



Thanks for the question. I’ll look to see if we can fix this in the creation of a video.

On ‘update a video’, you can change the public setting:

public func updateVideo(video: Video, completion: @escaping (Bool, Response?) → ()){
let apiPath = self.environnement + ApiPaths.videos.rawValue + “/(String(describing: video.videoId!))”
let body = [
“title”: video.title!,
“description”: video.description!,
“public”: video.isPublic!,
“panoramic”: video.isPanoramic!
] as Dictionary<String, AnyObject>


Yep. I’ll use this for now. Thanks!