I have been watching Kevin Stratvert’s tutorial for beginners - How to use OBS for Screen Recording or Streaming. I am about to make my maiden voyage. I plan to read a prayer I composed while Rhapsody in Blue plays in the background and stream the output to YouTube, advice is welcome.
So far I have followed Kevins instructions and created a scene. I assigned the name of my prayer to the scene, Don
t Despair Say a Prayer. I added resources to the scene for Display Capture, Audio Input Capture, Audio Output Capture and for Video Capture. Kevin`s tutorial gave very clear instructions about how to use Video Capture to position a small window where a commentator can be shown who talking about what is on the main screen. I have practiced using these procedures. .
I plan to play a video of Rhapsody in Blue which I found on YouTube. While the video plays I intend to be visible in a small window and read my prayer. I have saved screen recordings to my hard drive and I have changed the file format before replaying them. I have not yet played a video in OBS. Should I download Rhapsody II Blue to my computer and then replay it in ODS or play it In OBS while it plays in YouTube? I plan to save my recording on my computer hard disk, can I simultaneously save and stream it live? I haven’t streamed anything yet. I am enjoying getting started with OBS and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi @kcav175
This is a great summary of your journey into video recording.
Using OBS, you can recrd and stream at the same time. Just click “Start Streaming” and “start recording” (its not a one OR the other, you can do both)
- If you have the video locally: you can add it as a media source:
click the eye to remove, and click again to add (and restart the video). - Or you can set youtube to full screen and record the screen.
Try both - see which works better for you.
Doug Thank you for your reply.
Hi Doug,
My life is full of sweet spots, discovering OBS is one of them. I am working on playing segments of a video I downloaded from YouTube. The video is about the music of the 1950s. I would like to use the webcam feature inside OBS to present myself and others discussing the music. I have a feeling the timing of using the technology is going to be excellent.
I do have an urgent need you might help me with. My girlfriend`s dog died. She wrote a poem and I would like to put it on Facebook. Here is the poem, what is the best way to put it on Facebook?
Casey – A Hole in My Soul
There’s a hole in my soul where you used to be,
And now you’re with God for eternity,
For so many years you made my life fun,
But now you have gone to be with “the One.”
You taught me about unconditional love,
The kind we all get from God up above,
The love from a dog is like no other kind,
It’s love from the heart the soul and the mind,
They’re patient, loyal, faithful and true,
On good days or bad days, they’ll always love you,
Right now I feel so forlorn,
I can’t believe that you are gone,
Yet, in my heart I heard you say,
“I never really went away,
I’m waiting for you in your mind,
I’m in yours and you’re in mine,
I’ll always love you…love can’t hide,
Forever I’ll be at your side!”